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Message: Bob - it is not that it hasn't worked out for me.

Changed By: JM-Stamford,CT
Change Date: June 16, 2014 10:45AM

Bob - it is not that it hasn't worked out for me.
It is what it is. The purchasing decision was as much about the lack of alternatives as anything else.

Many of the issues I knew about before I bought the car. Frankly, I bought the 2011 because I could not fin ANY newer car that I would tolerate (within reason). It minnimally met my needs. (auto trans- wife needs to drive it. It carries me, my wife and the three kids at the same time. It is not totally mind numbing to drive. It costs less than 50K and it is comfortable enough to carry a client if needed.)

That said, there are things you learn only after living with the car for a couple months and doing research. They can be described as niggles I suppose. Many are the result of compromises made to meet one expectation, regulation or another. Taken together, those niggles get VER irritating.
Many of the issues I knew about before I bought the car. Frankly, I bought the 2011 because I could not fin ANY newer car that I would tolerate (within reason). It minimally met my needs. (auto trans- wife needs to drive it. It carries me, my wife and the three kids at the same time. It is not totally mind numbing to drive. It costs less than 50K and it is comfortable enough to carry a client if needed.)

That said, there are things you learn only after living with the car for a couple months and doing research. They can be described as niggles I suppose. Many are the result of compromises made to meet one expectation, regulation or another. Taken together, those niggles get VERY irritating.

Re: the newer models - The dealer wanted me to buy a 2014. In fact they gave me a loaner for a week. If anything, that confirmed my desire to get the 2011.

All of the above said, every day I am forced to drive the BMW I am reminded that I have a Boxster in the garage. I realize that there is a better, more enjoyable and generally wonderful car just waiting to be driven. I do not take the Porsche for granted any more. I know what I am missing when I cannot drive it. I accept that BMW and Porsche can be seen as apples and oranges. That is my point. One can prefer one over the other. One can accept them each for what they are. Clearly, I choose the former.

Lastly, I also appreciate that 99% (or more) of the world wishes it had this problem. Hmm, which to drive? The BMW or the Porsche? I bet many would say: "cry me a friggin' river." I feel incredibly blessed to have these choices. I just lament that the BMW could be SO much better than it is. I lament that so many choices they made were not good ones and there is no way to opt out of those choices.

Also, I reject the notion that it is the ultimate driving machine. It manifestly is not. It might be the best driving machine in the prosaic company workhorse vehicle category. Or it might be the best of the poseur-mobiles. But neither is the same thing.

Original Message

Author: JM-Stamford,CT
Date: June 16, 2014 10:40AM

Bob - it is not that it hasn't worked out for me.
It is what it is. The purchasing decision was as much about the lack of alternatives as anything else.

Many of the issues I knew about before I bought the car. Frankly, I bought the 2011 because I could not fin ANY newer car that I would tolerate (within reason). It minnimally met my needs. (auto trans- wife needs to drive it. It carries me, my wife and the three kids at the same time. It is not totally mind numbing to drive. It costs less than 50K and it is comfortable enough to carry a client if needed.)

That said, there are things you learn only after living with the car for a couple months and doing research. They can be described as niggles I suppose. Many are the result of compromises made to meet one expectation, regulation or another. Taken together, those niggles get VER irritating.

Re: the newer models - The dealer wanted me to buy a 2014. In fact they gave me a loaner for a week. If anything, that confirmed my desire to get the 2011.

All of the above said, every day I am forced to drive the BMW I am reminded that I have a Boxster in the garage. I realize that there is a better, more enjoyable and generally wonderful car just waiting to be driven. I do not take the Porsche for granted any more. I know what I am missing when I cannot drive it. I accept that BMW and Porsche can be seen as apples and oranges. That is my point. One can prefer one over the other. One can accept them each for what they are. Clearly, I choose the former.

Lastly, I also appreciate that 99% (or more) of the world wishes it had this problem. Hmm, which to drive? The BMW or the Porsche? I bet many would say: "cry me a friggin' river." I feel incredibly blessed to have these choices. I just lament that the BMW could be SO much better than it is. I lament that so many choices they made were not good ones and there is no way to opt out of those choices.

Also, I reject the notion that it is the ultimate driving machine. It manifestly is not. It might be the best driving machine in the prosaic company workhorse vehicle category. Or it might be the best of the poseurmobiles. But neither is the same thing.