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Message: For those who are interested in an all-weather Boxster cover...here is the update after 1.5 months

Changed By: RainyDayGarage
Change Date: September 25, 2017 09:25AM

For those who are interested in an all-weather Boxster cover...here is the update after 1.5 months

In August we posted a FirstLook of the Auto Chic custom car cover for our 16-year-old Porsche Boxster. Because we are in the city, the Boxster is out in the elements 24/7. To protect the paint, dash, and other interior surfaces from damaging UV rays, bird crap, and other debris, we have had a cover for the car pretty much its entire life. Here is a quick write-up of the cover after a few rain storms and 1.5 months of using it.

Original Message

Author: RainyDayGarage
Date: September 25, 2017 09:24AM

For those who are interested in an all-weather Boxster cover...here is the update after 1.5 months

In August we posted a FirstLook of the Auto Chic custom car cover for our 16-year-old Porsche Boxster. Because we are in the city, the Boxster is out in the elements 24/7. To protect the paint, dash, and other interior surfaces from damaging UV rays, bird crap, and other debris, we have had a cover for the car pretty much its entire life. Here is a quick write-up of the cover after a few rain storms and 1.5 months of using it.