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Message: Displaying when not warm speaks to the "snapshot."

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: December 03, 2021 10:02AM

Displaying when not warm speaks to the "snapshot."
It was either my sales guy, who's an enthusiast (tracked a 944,) and seemingly knowledgeable, or one of the dealer service people, mentioned the snapshot to me when I asked about the cold reading.
I read somewhere (another "read somewhere" ;)) that Porsche has specific parameters for the maximum longitudinal and lateral angles allowable for accurate readings. Even without these numbers. I suppose there's validity in you determining significant level changes specific to your experimentation. Maybe a long straight edge, along with an iPhone's measurement app could at least help with the lateral angle measurement. (Thinking a 6 foot beam level across the fender tops, with some very thin padding, like old cotton t-shirt rags to protect the paint.) Maybe using the front to rear wheel centers and some trigonometry can yield the length angle.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: December 03, 2021 09:56AM

Displaying when not warm speaks to the "snapshot."
It was either my sales guy, who's an enthusiast (tracked a 944,) and seemingly knowledgeable, or one of the dealer service people, mentioned the snapshot to me when I asked about the cold reading.
I read somewhere (another "read somewhere " ;)) that Porsche has specific parameters for the maximum longitudinal and lateral angles allowable for accurate readings. Even without these numbers. I suppose there's validity in you determining significant level changes specific to your experimentation. Maybe a long straight edge, along with an iPhone's measurement app could at least help with the lateral angle measurement. (Thinking a 6 foot beam level across the fender tops, with some very thin padding (old , like old cotton t-shirt rags to protect the paint.) Maybe using the front to rear wheel centers and some trigonometry can yield the length angle.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: December 03, 2021 09:53AM

Displaying when not warm speaks to the "snapshot."
It was either my sales guy, who's an enthusiast (tracked a 944,) and seemingly knowledgeable, or one of the dealer service people, mentioned the snapshot to me when I asked about the cold reading.
I read somewhere (another "read somewhere ;)) that Porsche has specific parameters for the maximum longitudinal and lateral angles allowable for accurate readings. Even without these numbers. I suppose there's validity in you determining significant level changes specific to your experimentation. Maybe a long straight edge, along with an iPhone's measurement app could at least help with the lateral angle measurement. (Thinking a 6 foot beam level across the fender tops, with some very thin padding (old cotton t-shirt rags to protect the paint.) Maybe using the front to rear wheel centers and some trigonometry can yield the length angle.