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Products for your Boxster, Cayman and Carrera.
My car has been up on blocks since around Nov 6th! I did all that "end of track season stuff" including my bi-annual driveshaft rebuild (boots, grease, etc.), and "while I was in there" i decided to do a Techno Mount, mostly for the better performance/location of drive-train, but when i took the old one out (2 years) it was beginning to tear on one of the two sides.

Then the USPS stepped in and took 13 days to deliver "2-day priority mail". Uh, huh. as my car sat, motor on a bottle jack, awaiting the new mount.

It will be nice to have it all serviced, and i do want to drive it and make sure the driveshafts feel and sound smooth. Lets see - cleaned calipers (pistons, seals), pads, fluid flush, checked all suspension bolts, new CV boots, high temp grease (this stuff is like glue, sticky and elastic, pretty cool stuff), oil, filter, oil analysis, checked AF, junk in intake (yes, but not much), and some day a new motor mount.

As i recall the Techno-mount gives much better shifting since the drivetrain is better located, and gets rid of the odd oscillations one feels. As i recall, rather than making the drivetrain vibrate the car more, it really moves the frequency up. Stiffer = higher resonance so that's not a great surprise.. I have one (going on 5 years now!) in my street car.



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