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Message: Hardtop Crate (factory crate only) $0 (you pay for shipping)

Changed By: kmmalek
Change Date: August 24, 2011 03:40PM

Hardtop Crate (factory crate only) $0 (you pay for shipping)
I have the original wooden shipping crate for a 986 hardtop, form when I bought a new hardtop from Suncoast many years ago now.
It is in as-new shape. I think a 987 top would also fit in it.
I had kept the crate stored in my garage, as I expected to sell the top separately after selling the car, and crating a hard top is difficult and expensive.
As it turned out, I sold the top with the car last year.
Before I trash the crate, I thought I would see if anyone on the board is interested in it. If you plan on selling a hardtop in the coming months, paying to have this one shipped may be less costly than having a shipping company make you one...

Pictures at:


Original Message

Author: kmmalek
Date: August 24, 2011 03:29PM

Hardtop Crate (factory crate only) $0 (you pay for shipping)
I have the original wooden shipping crate for a 986 hardtop, form when I bought a new hardtop from Suncoast many years ago now.
It is in as-new shape. I think a 987 top would also fit in it.
I had kept the crate stored in my garage, as I expected to sell the top separately after selling the car, and crating a hard top is difficult and expensive.
As it turned out, I sold the top with the car last year.
Before I trash the crate, I thought I would see if anyone on the board is interested in it. If you plan on selling a hardtop in the coming months, paying to have this one shipped may be less costly than having a shipping company make you one...