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Message: CDC3 Becker 2660 CD Player + Bracket

Changed By: Gundo
Change Date: February 10, 2012 03:10PM

CDC3 Becker 2660 CD Player + Bracket
I've got a CDC3 for sale. It is also known as the Becker 2660 and is in perfect working order. Also will include the bracket to mount in your 996 or 986 (part number 996.645.221.00)

Even includes the 6 disc cartridge, and my guess is, a couple of my old cds...my gift to you with purchase.

Call it $125 including shipping, a fair deal by any measure. Returnable if there is a problem.

Will fit 996 from 1996 to 2002, or 986 from 1997 to 2002


Original Message

Author: Gundo
Date: February 10, 2012 02:57PM

CDC3 Becker 2660 CD Player + Bracket
I've got a CDC3 for sale. It is also known as the Becker 2660 and is in perfect working order. Also will include the bracket to mount in your 996 or 986 (part number 996.645.221.00)

Even includes the 6 disc cartridge, and my guess is, a couple of my old cds...my gift to you with purchase.

Call it $125 including shipping, a fair deal by any measure. Returnable if there is a problem.

Will fit 996 from 1996 to 2002, or 986 from 1997 to 2002
