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Message: 18" OEM turbo twist wheels for sale (from 2001 Boxster S)

Changed By: kmmalek
Change Date: July 06, 2014 10:34PM

18" OEM turbo twist wheels for sale (from 2001 Boxster S)
I'm selling a set of 18" OEM wheels. I have them listed on the Boston Craigslist board, so I will simply include the link…


[url=http://boston.craigslist.org/bmw/pts/4556104602.html]Craigslist listing[/url]

Original Message

Author: kmmalek
Date: July 06, 2014 10:33PM

18" OEM turbo twist wheels for sale (from 2001 Boxster S)
I'm selling a set of 18" OEM wheels. I have them listed on the Boston Craigslist board, so I will simply include the link…

Kamal[url=http://boston.craigslist.org/bmw/pts/4556104602.html]Craigslist listing[/url]