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Message: NM

Changed By: cld3316
Change Date: August 18, 2011 01:02PM

Re: ignition/key problems - advice/ideas wanted pleaseNM
Well I did the installation this morning and it was pretty much a piece of cake once I squeezed into the car. Jeweler's screwdriver worked perfectly. Hardest part was getting a hand up there to loosen the screws. As soon as I replaced the switch, the key moved exactly as it is supposed to. I never would have believed that it was this switch based on the 'symptoms' I was experiencing. Thanks to everyone for the help!

One thing that did happen is that the battery discharged before I could replace the switch - I assume from the key not turning the car completely off when I removed the key. No problem jumping the battery and everything seems to be working fine - the radio didn't even need reprogramming. However, now the passenger window is completely unresponsive. I am going to do a search about this issue and see what I can find but I wanted to thank everyone for helping with the ignition switch.

Original Message

Author: cld3316
Date: August 18, 2011 12:46PM

Re: ignition/key problems - advice/ideas wanted please
Well I did the installation this morning and it was pretty much a piece of cake once I squeezed into the car. Jeweler's screwdriver worked perfectly. Hardest part was getting a hand up there to loosen the screws. As soon as I replaced the switch, the key moved exactly as it is supposed to. I never would have believed that it was this switch based on the 'symptoms' I was experiencing. Thanks to everyone for the help!

One thing that did happen is that the battery discharged before I could replace the switch - I assume from the key not turning the car completely off when I removed the key. No problem jumping the battery and everything seems to be working fine - the radio didn't even need reprogramming. However, now the passenger window is completely unresponsive. I am going to do a search about this issue and see what I can find but I wanted to thank everyone for helping with the ignition switch.