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Message: That was Wilma, and as a Cat 1 (HA), knocked out our power for 14 days, little food, no fuel for...

Changed By: Gary in SoFL
Change Date: August 27, 2011 12:22AM

That was Wilma, and as a Cat 1 (HA), knocked out our power for 14 days, little food, no fuel for...
...days, little drinking water, and lots of angry people. Want to discuss flooding, tornados, looting, zero mass transit, basically a nightmare.

Taking hurricanes like Irene casually, when you're in the cone, is irresponsible at bes,t t, but more likely just dumb!

Original Message

Author: Gary in SoFL
Date: August 27, 2011 12:21AM

That was Wilma, and as a Cat 1 (HA), knocked out our power for 14 days, little food, no fuel for...
...days, little drinking water, and lots of angry people. Want to discuss flooding, tornados, looting, zero mass transit, basically a nightmare.

Taking hurricanes like Irene casually, when you're in the cone, is irresponsible at bes,t but more likely just dumb!