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Message: I Know You Guys Are Experts ... BUT My Experience Is Different

Changed By: paulwdenton
Change Date: August 27, 2011 12:32AM

I Know You Guys Are Experts ... BUT My Experience Says You're Wrong.Is Different
This has been a frequent topic on Planet 9. Knowing of this, I asked my indie mechanic about it, and he thinks it's silly. So, we did an experiment on my last oil change. , and after the experiment, I had to agree with him. First, I looked up how much oil the car should take (8.7 qts). Then, we drained the old oil for half an hour, and removed and replaced the filter, then replaced the drain plug and added seven (7) qts by measurement. The gauge showed nearly full, only about 2 blocks down from full. Added another 1.5 qts and the indie predicted it would show overfull, and sure enough, it did even though I was still technically 0.2 qts low. And this is true in his shop and in my own garage and everywhere else. I have changed my oil now about 4 times in two years and have always put 8.7 qts into it by measurement and every time it shows overfull and at no time have I had any smoking or any other apparent ill effects. On Planet-9, there were also a lot of others with the same experience. Now honestly, are you people going to tell me with a straight face that I'm harming my engine just because the stupid gauge shows it's overfull? Is it your advice that I should run the car with, e.g., 8 qts instead of 8.7 just so the stupid gauge is happy? I say you rely on honest-to-God measurements, not some electronic doodad.

Original Message

Author: paulwdenton
Date: August 27, 2011 12:30AM

I Know You Guys Are Experts ... BUT My Experience Says You're Wrong.
This has been a frequent topic on Planet 9. Knowing of this, I asked my indie mechanic about it, and he thinks it's silly. So, we did an experiment on my last oil change. First, I looked up how much oil the car should take (8.7 qts). Then, we drained the old oil for half an hour, and removed and replaced the filter, then replaced the drain plug and added seven (7) qts by measurement. The gauge showed nearly full, only about 2 blocks down from full. Added another 1.5 qts and the indie predicted it would show overfull, and sure enough, it did even though I was still technically 0.2 qts low. And this is true in his shop and in my own garage and everywhere else. I have changed my oil now about 4 times in two years and have always put 8.7 qts into it by measurement and every time it shows overfull and at no time have I had any smoking or any other apparent ill effects. On Planet-9, there were also a lot of others with the same experience. Now honestly, are you people going to tell me with a straight face that I'm harming my engine just because the stupid gauge shows it's overfull? Is it your advice that I should run the car with, e.g., 8 qts instead of 8.7 just so the stupid gauge is happy?