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Message: Re: Hope I won the coin toss...

Changed By: bar10dah
Change Date: August 28, 2011 08:04PM

Re: Impossible to know for sure. All one can do is flip aHope I won the coin toss....
Thanks. From the looks of the tube and the broken piece, it's a perfect fit. So whatever smaller shards that broke off and fell into the camshaft area are very minuscule, if at all.

After that fiasco with the first tube, I took [url=http://www.pedrosgarage.com/Site_3/Change_Spark_Plugs_%26_Tubes.html]Pedro's advice[/url] and went to Bass Pro to pick up a 1" transom plug. Worked beautifully on the remaining five tubes. Should have done that to begin with...

Original Message

Author: bar10dah
Date: August 28, 2011 08:03PM

Re: Impossible to know for sure. All one can do is flip a coin....
Thanks. From the looks of the tube and the broken piece, it's a perfect fit. So whatever smaller shards that broke off and fell into the camshaft area are very minuscule, if at all.

After that fiasco with the first tube, I took [url=http://www.pedrosgarage.com/Site_3/Change_Spark_Plugs_%26_Tubes.html]Pedro's advice[/url] and went to Bass Pro to pick up a 1" transom plug. Worked beautifully on the remaining five tubes. Should have done that to begin with...