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Message: Dodged The Bullet.....This Time

Changed By: whall
Change Date: August 30, 2011 10:16AM

Dodged The Bullet.....This Time
Parked the Boxster, the Targa, my Acura daily driver and my oldest boy's BMW in a parking garage at a local hospital. We kept Leadfoot's A-4 Quatro (four wheel drive escape vehicle) in one side of the garage....the other side was filled with front porch and back yard patio furniture. The only casualty was a partially up-rooted butterfly bush. (I was worried about the survival of two 50+ tall will low trees.) We didn't even lose electricity.

Unfortunately, there is another storm brewing in the Atlantic which my mirror Irene next week. It may be time to purchase a portable generator.

Changed By: whall
Change Date: August 30, 2011 10:12AM

DosDodged The Bullet.....This Time
Parked the Boxster, the Targa, my Acura daily driver and my oldest boy's BMW in a parking garage at a local hospital. We kept Leadfoot's A-4 Quatro (four wheel drive escape vehicle) in one side of the garage....the other side was filled with front porch and back yard patio furniture. The only casualty was a partially up-rooted butterfly bush. (I was worried about the survival of two 50+ tall will low trees.) We didn't even lose electricity.

Unfortunately, there is another storm brewing in the Atlantic which my mirror Irene next week. It may be time to purchase a portable generator.


Original Message

Author: whall
Date: August 30, 2011 10:09AM

Dosged The Bullet.....This Time
Parked the Boxster, the Targa, my Acura daily driver and my oldest boy's BMW in a parking garage at a local hospital. We kept Leadfoot's A-4 Quatro (four wheel drive escape vehicle) in one side of the garage....the other side was filled with front porch and back yard patio furniture. The only casualty was a partially up-rooted butterfly bush. (I was worried about the survival of two 50+ tall willlow trees.) We didn't even lose electricity.

Unfortunately, there is another storm brewing in the Atlantic which my mirror Irene next week. It may be time to purchase a portable generator.
