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Message: Re: Portable Generators

Changed By: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Change Date: August 31, 2011 03:29AM

Re: Stay Safe East Coast BoxsterersPortable Generators
Re:.Portable Generator

Having gone thru this a few years ago, I can tell you the following:

Get a generator that outputs enough watts and amps to do what you need it to do. Figure out what circuits you need to run and those you can live w/o. A 30 amp generator of sufficient wattage should run whatever you need it to including your 110volt furnace, except the A/C. If you also want to power the A/C, the generator needs to output at least 50 amps. Discuss your requirements w/ an electrician and have him wire the house/fuse box for the generator. The generator will be noisy, so place it where it won't be too disturbing, but where you can maintain control of it.

I bought a wheeled, gasoline-powered, 7000watt continuous, 8750watt peak, 110/220volt, 30 amp generator, and had an electrician wire an inlet box on the outside of my house. The generator power 10-circuits including bathroom and other interior lites, furnace, frig, microwave, TV, Internet and computers, and well. It also has enough outlets to power additional things like the two freezers and whatever else I need. I also bought several hundred feet of high quality power cords in various lengths (thin-gauge wire gets hot). The six gallon tank will fuel it for >10-hours under a full load. And I keep plenty of extra gas cans should the power outage go into extra innings.

And during your pre-storm preparations, don't forget stocking up on home defense firearms and ammo, especially if you live in or near a metropolitan area or a major highway. Forewarned is forearmed, and forearmed means being armed.

Original Message

Author: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Date: August 31, 2011 03:28AM

Re: Stay Safe East Coast Boxsterers
Re:.Portable Generator

Having gone thru this a few years ago, I can tell you the following:

Get a generator that outputs enough watts and amps to do what you need it to do. Figure out what circuits you need to run and those you can live w/o. A 30 amp generator of sufficient wattage should run whatever you need it to including your 110volt furnace, except the A/C. If you also want to power the A/C, the generator needs to output at least 50 amps. Discuss your requirements w/ an electrician and have him wire the house/fuse box for the generator. The generator will be noisy, so place it where it won't be too disturbing, but where you can maintain control of it.

I bought a wheeled, gasoline-powered, 7000watt continuous, 8750watt peak, 110/220volt, 30 amp generator, and had an electrician wire an inlet box on the outside of my house. The generator power 10-circuits including bathroom and other interior lites, furnace, frig, microwave, TV, Internet and computers, and well. It also has enough outlets to power additional things like the two freezers and whatever else I need. I also bought several hundred feet of high quality power cords in various lengths (thin-gauge wire gets hot). The six gallon tank will fuel it for >10-hours under a full load. And I keep plenty of extra gas cans should the power outage go into extra innings.

And during your pre-storm preparations, don't forget stocking up on home defense firearms and ammo, especially if you live in or near a metropolitan area or a major highway. Forewarned is forearmed, and forearmed means being armed.