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Message: Re: Folks probably felt the same way when external crank starts were replaced by ignition switches >:D<

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: September 01, 2011 02:12PM

Re: Folks probably felt the same way when external crank starts were replaced by ignition switches >:D<
I thought they replaced the external crank with electric starter motors. ;) Not sure how much an ignition switch would do to turn over an engine. :S

Personally, I never liked the crank start on my 51 Morris Minor. I much prefered using the ignition/starter motor combo. Guess I was a rebel back in those days. :)

I guess the same controversy will go on when they replace steering wheels with GPS based guidance systems so we don't have to keep on turning that steering wheel while going from place to place.

I just happen to enjoy shifting the gears and steer the car myself.

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: September 01, 2011 02:11PM

Re: Folks probably felt the same way when external crank starts were replaced by ignition switches >:D<
I thought they replaced the external crank with electric starter motors. ;) Not sure how much an ignition switch would do to turn over an engine. :S

Personally, I never liked the crank start on my 51 Morris Minor. I much prefered using the ignition/starter motor combo. Guess I was a rebel back in those days. :)

I guess the same controversy will go on when they replace steering wheels with GPS based guidance systems so we don't have to keep on turning that steering wheel while going from place.

I just happen to enjoy shifting the gears and steer the car myself.