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Message: a DE is a very addictive event (more so than autox) which you will obtain permagrin....

Changed By: Harvey in FL
Change Date: September 12, 2011 09:09PM

a DE is a very addictive event (more so than autox) which you will obtain permagrin....
What is Drivers' Education?

Drivers' Education, or DE, is an opportunity to improve your driving skills by learning to drive your car safely at above average speed on a closed circuit road course. As a novice DE participant, you will drive with an instructor, who will teach you the safest, smoothest and most consistent way to drive as quickly as you both feel is safe for the conditions and your skill level at that time.
DE is not racing. DE differs from racing in several important ways. DE provides drivers with a learning environment where the goal is to improve your individual driving skills in a safe and fun way. The order in which drivers start or finish a DE session is irrelevant. Racing provides drivers with a competitive environment where the goal is to beat the other drivers across the finish line. DE stresses learning in a safe environment by permitting cars to pass other cars only in straight sections of the track that are specifically designated as passing zones, and even then a car can pass only after receiving permission from the car being passed that it is safe to do so. To further increase the safety of the learning environment in a DE, course workers are positioned around the track to help you see obstacles on and off the road surface, slippery course conditions, potential mechanical issues with your car, and actions that appear to be inconsistent with the safe learning environment that DE stresses.

The goals in DE are 1) to be safe, 2) to have fun, and 3) to learn about driving your Porsche smoothly and consistently. And you will learn. Threshold braking, cornering techniques, "the line", "heel and toe" and vehicle dynamics are among the topics taught on the track and in classroom sessions by fellow Porsche owners and expert drivers.

It's like eating only one potato chip....you can't do it........
you need more, more, more, and lots more.

BTW: I will be doing Sebring this coming weekend with pro instructor Pedro... He's in for a real treat.
Changed By: Harvey in FL
Change Date: September 12, 2011 09:04PM

a DE is a very addictive event (more so than autox) which you will obtain permagrimn.......
What is Drivers' Education?

Drivers' Education, or DE, is an opportunity to improve your driving skills by learning to drive your car safely at above average speed on a closed circuit road course. As a novice DE participant, you will drive with an instructor, who will teach you the safest, smoothest and most consistent way to drive as quickly as you both feel is safe for the conditions and your skill level at that time.
DE is not racing. DE differs from racing in several important ways. DE provides drivers with a learning environment where the goal is to improve your individual driving skills in a safe and fun way. The order in which drivers start or finish a DE session is irrelevant. Racing provides drivers with a competitive environment where the goal is to beat the other drivers across the finish line. DE stresses learning in a safe environment by permitting cars to pass other cars only in straight sections of the track that are specifically designated as passing zones, and even then a car can pass only after receiving permission from the car being passed that it is safe to do so. To further increase the safety of the learning environment in a DE, course workers are positioned around the track to help you see obstacles on and off the road surface, slippery course conditions, potential mechanical issues with your car, and actions that appear to be inconsistent with the safe learning environment that DE stresses.

The goals in DE are 1) to be safe, 2) to have fun, and 3) to learn about driving your Porsche smoothly and consistently. And you will learn. Threshold braking, cornering techniques, "the line", "heel and toe" and vehicle dynamics are among the topics taught on the track and in classroom sessions by fellow Porsche owners and expert drivers.

It's like eating only one potato chip....you can't do it........

BTW: I will be doing Sebring this coming weekend with pro instructor Pedro... He's in for a real treat.

Original Message

Author: Harvey in FL
Date: September 12, 2011 09:01PM

a DE is a very addictive event (more so than autox) which you will obtain permagrim.......
What is Drivers' Education?

Drivers' Education, or DE, is an opportunity to improve your driving skills by learning to drive your car safely at above average speed on a closed circuit road course. As a novice DE participant, you will drive with an instructor, who will teach you the safest, smoothest and most consistent way to drive as quickly as you both feel is safe for the conditions and your skill level at that time.
DE is not racing. DE differs from racing in several important ways. DE provides drivers with a learning environment where the goal is to improve your individual driving skills in a safe and fun way. The order in which drivers start or finish a DE session is irrelevant. Racing provides drivers with a competitive environment where the goal is to beat the other drivers across the finish line. DE stresses learning in a safe environment by permitting cars to pass other cars only in straight sections of the track that are specifically designated as passing zones, and even then a car can pass only after receiving permission from the car being passed that it is safe to do so. To further increase the safety of the learning environment in a DE, course workers are positioned around the track to help you see obstacles on and off the road surface, slippery course conditions, potential mechanical issues with your car, and actions that appear to be inconsistent with the safe learning environment that DE stresses.

The goals in DE are 1) to be safe, 2) to have fun, and 3) to learn about driving your Porsche smoothly and consistently. And you will learn. Threshold braking, cornering techniques, "the line", "heel and toe" and vehicle dynamics are among the topics taught on the track and in classroom sessions by fellow Porsche owners and expert drivers.

It's like eating only one potato chip....you can't do it........

BTW: I will be doing Sebring this coming weekend with pro instructor Pedro... He's in for a real treat.