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Message: Re: 986s interiors. were they all leather? or were some 'fake leather'?

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: September 15, 2011 10:59AM

Re: 986s interiors. were they all leather? or were some 'fake leather'?
For the "partial leather" interior, which is standard, not optional, the steering wheel rim is leather, the center is vinyl. The handbrake lever, gear shift knob, seat backs ([i]not[/i] meaning the [i]backsides[/i] of the seats,) squabs (the part your kiester sits on,) and all bolsters are leather. The door grips are leather. An interesting detail about the door grips is that the seams face outward, as Porsche's concern was the "feel" so when a hand grabs around it, one, it is smooth to the touch.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: September 15, 2011 10:58AM

Re: 986s interiors. were they all leather? or were some 'fake leather'?
For the "partial leather" interior, which is standard, not optional, the steering wheel rim is leather, the center is vinyl. The handbrake lever, gear shift knob, seat backs ([i]not[/i] meaning the [i]backsides[/i] of the seats,) squabs, (the part your kiester sits on,) and all bolsters are leather. The door grips are leather. An interesting detail about the door grips is that the seams faces outward, as Porsche's concern was the "feel" so when a hand grabs around it, it is smooth to the touch.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: September 15, 2011 10:56AM

Re: 986s interiors. were they all leather? or were some 'fake leather'?
For the "partial leather" interior, which is standard, not optional, the steering wheel rim is leather, the center is vinyl. The handbrake lever, gear shift knob, seat backs ([i]not[/i] meaning the [i]backsides[/i] of the seats,) squabs, and all bolsters are leather. The door grips are leather. An interesting detail about the door grips is that the seam faces outward, as Porsche's concern was the "feel" so when a hand grabs around it, it is smooth to the touch.