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Message: Removing the air bag warning label from the visor. Question for Pedro.

Changed By: Jeff (Philly)
Change Date: September 19, 2011 02:25PM

Removing the air bag warning label from the visor. Question for Pedro.
Pedro. I bought a new 2012. I am going to use the denatured alcohol trick to remove the air bag warning. I saw your post on the board advising black satin plastic paint instead but thought I would do this first. In any case I need to remove the visor. I undid the single torx screw but the visor does not want to com e out of the top bracket on the other side even though I tugged on it pretty good. Do I have to unscrew that also? There are two larger screws in it that I do not recall having to undo the other bracket the last two times I did this.

Original Message

Author: Jeff (Philly)
Date: September 19, 2011 02:21PM

Removing the air bag warning label from the visor. Question for Pedro.
Pedro. I bought a new 2012. I am going to use the denatured alcohol trick to remove the air bag warning. I saw your post on the board advising black satin plastic paint instead but thought I would do this first. In any case I need to remove the visor. I undid the single torx screw but the visor does not want to com out of the top bracket on the other side even though I tugged on it pretty good. Do I have to unscrew that also? There are two larger screws in it that I do not recall having to undo the other bracket the last two times I did this.