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Message: I'll attest to that!!

Changed By: bar10dah
Change Date: September 23, 2011 11:12PM

Re: ordering plugs (and tubes?)I'll attest to that!!
I'll attest to that! I did just that, used needle nose pliers, and ended up breaking the tube. Had me scared for a bit, as I wasn't sure if any of the plastic fragments ended up in the crankcase. However, as soon as that tube broke, I drove out to a boating supply store and picked up the transom plug for $6. Came back and pulled the broken tube out and the remaining five tubes in no time at all! Luckily, the shard of broken tube that I was able to retrieve was an exact fit into the broken tube, so it appears no fragments broke off and made it's way into the crankcase. I should have started with the transom plug right from the beginning...

Original Message

Author: bar10dah
Date: September 23, 2011 11:12PM

Re: ordering plugs (and tubes?)
I'll attest to that! I did just that, used needle nose pliers, and ended up breaking the tube. Had me scared for a bit, as I wasn't sure if any of the plastic fragments ended up in the crankcase. However, as soon as that tube broke, I drove out to a boating supply store and picked up the transom plug for $6. Came back and pulled the broken tube out and the remaining five tubes in no time at all! Luckily, the shard of broken tube that I was able to retrieve was an exact fit into the broken tube, so it appears no fragments broke off and made it's way into the crankcase. I should have started with the transom plug right from the beginning...