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Message: If you decide to replace the engine

Changed By: Boxsterra
Change Date: September 26, 2011 06:34PM

If you decide to replace the engine
Why replace it? it with a new one? I don't know what the relative prices are over there but a used replacement engine for your car in the US is probably 3-5k USD.

Also, there must be other Porsche mechanics that don't work for the dealer. I would get a second opinion before making a decision. Replacing the engine doesn't require any appreciable Porsche-specific knowledge so it doesn't have to be done by the dealer.

Original Message

Author: Boxsterra
Date: September 26, 2011 01:32PM

If you decide to replace the engine
Why replace it? I don't know what the relative prices are over there but a used replacement engine for your car in the US is probably 3-5k USD.

Also, there must be other Porsche mechanics that don't work for the dealer. I would get a second opinion before making a decision. Replacing the engine doesn't require any appreciable Porsche-specific knowledge so it doesn't have to be done by the dealer.