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Message: 1999 boxster needs cats?

Changed By: richie
Change Date: October 06, 2011 10:17AM

1999 boxster needs cats?
that what the shop told me replace the both cats and i already replaced 2 back sensors he said the other sensor were fine and diagnosis said none sufficiate cats but the car runs fine horse power and only when i start it up a little smoke then go away white smoke so if you have any advice to share i would appreciate it and what brand for cats? thanks rich. and my boxster has 161000 miles on it .

Original Message

Author: richie
Date: October 06, 2011 10:15AM

1999 boxster needs cats?
that what the shop told me replace the both cats and i already replaced 2 back sensors he said the other sensor were fine and diagnosis said none sufficiate cats but the car runs fine horse power and only when i start it up a little smoke then go away white smoke so if you have any advice to share i would appreciate it and what brand for cats? thanks rich.