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Message: Re: Nice Mister Two.

Changed By: Leor ('09S, North of Boston)
Change Date: October 07, 2011 12:34AM

Re: Nice Mister Two.
As a former owner of two Mr. 2's (1988 base, '91 Turbo), I'm not at all averse to the analogy. That '91 Turbo was damn close to the Boxster in terms of exhilaration factor.

BTW, did anyone notice the additional "homage" that would be represented by the turbo 4 treatment? ;-)(:P)

Original Message

Author: Leor ('09S, North of Boston)
Date: October 07, 2011 12:32AM

Re: Nice Mister Two.
As a former owner of two Mr. 2's (1988 base, '91 Turbo), I'm not at all averse to the analogy. That '91 Turbo was damn close to the Boxster in terms of exhilaration factor.

BTW, did anyone notice the additional "homage" that would be represented by the turbo 4 treatment? ;-)