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Message: Boston to FL, brake light on-can I get home?

Changed By: tom coughlin
Change Date: October 17, 2011 11:02AM

Boston to FL, brake light on-can I get home?
Pedro and others. I'm in Winter Park, drove down for a 50th Gator frat reunion and the wear light came on. Can I make it home to Boston if I promise to be gentle with the brakes?
It's an 02 with 58,000 never done the brakes.

If not, anybody got the number for a good indy in W.P?

Original Message

Author: tom coughlin
Date: October 17, 2011 10:50AM

Boston to FL, brake light on-can I get home?
Pedro and others. I'm in Winter Park, drove down for a 50th Gator frat reunion and the wear light came on. Can I make it home to Boston if I promise to be gentle with the brakes?

If not, anybody got the number for a good indy in W.P?