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Message: Re: Spoiler - how do i retract it?

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: October 17, 2011 12:44PM

Re: Spoiler - how do i retract it?
Not sure about the 986, but the 987 has a switch to raise and lower the spoiler. Hit it once and it goes up. Hold it again and it goes down. I use it all the time when washing the car.

Other than that, yes, take it up to 75 mph (or higher if designred. ;) ) and then slow down below 50, and you spoiler will retract.

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: October 17, 2011 12:43PM

Re: Spoiler - how do i retract it?
Not sure about the 986, but the 987 has a switch to raise and lower the spoiler. Hit it once and it goes up. Hold it again and it goes down. I use it all the time when washing the car.

Other than that, yes, take it up to 75 mph (or higher if designed. ;) ) and then slow down below 50, and you spoiler will retract.