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Message: Hey I'm back in Boston with the top down! The weather is good for another few topless days. Pedro's

Changed By: tom coughlin
Change Date: October 22, 2011 12:26PM

Hey I'm back in Boston with the top down! The weather is good for another few top dless days, and . Pedro's
comment about now being able to drive top down in FL reminds me of the Winter Park Doctor who once asked me if we could drive our convertibles in Boston with the top down in the summertime.

My immediate response was "Hell yes, why do you think we own them?"

Changed By: tom coughlin
Change Date: October 22, 2011 12:25PM

Hey I'm back in Boston with the top down! The weather is good for another few top ddays, and Pedro's
comment about now being able to drive top down in FL reminds me of the Winter Park Doctor who once asked me if we could drive our convertibles in Boston with the top down in the summertime.

My immediate response was "Hell yes, why do you think we own them?"

Changed By: tom coughlin
Change Date: October 22, 2011 12:24PM

Hey I'm back in Boston with the top down! The weatehr her is good for another few top days, and Pedro's
comment about now being able to drive top down in FL reminds me of the Winter Park Doctor who once asked me if we could drive our convertibles in Boston with the top down in the summertime.

My immediate response was "Hell yes, why do you think we own them?"


Original Message

Author: tom coughlin
Date: October 22, 2011 12:24PM

Hey I'm back in Boston with the top down! The weatehr is good for another few top days, and Pedro's
comment about now being able to drive top down in FL reminds me of the Winter Park Doctor who once asked me if we could drive our convertibles in Boston with the top down in the summertime.

My immediate response was "Hell yes, why do you think we own them?"
