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Message: Well, then IMS bearings dont follow most mechanical breakdown trends

Changed By: grant
Change Date: October 26, 2011 06:48PM

Well, then IMS bearings dont follow most mechanical breakdown trends
I I have a healthy skepticism for "but this is different, really".

Now on to what little data we have.

have no idea what you mean by "biased". Who's going to be biased? Most
people have no clue when it started - only when it goes bang.

So i doubt much real info exists.

So i presume that like most failures it starts slowly and accelerates over time.

note that sorta supports "happens over a long period of time" except that the metal flakes stage is likely to be short, and that's the part we can observe, or measure, maybe.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: October 26, 2011 06:38PM

Well, then IMS bearings dont follow most mechanical breakdown trends
I have no idea what you mean by "biased". Who's going to be biased? Most people have no clue when it started - only when it goes bang.

So i doubt much real info exists.
