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Message: Re: Based on my experience, no. However, I would never drive my car if the CEL was flashing...

Changed By: mnchstrcityblues79
Change Date: November 03, 2011 10:37PM

Re: Based on my experience, no. However, I would never drive my car if the CEL was flashing...
Yeah, the CEL is not flashing and the temp doesn't read higher than about 180 or so. Also, Oil is within acceptable levels. I have n't noticed any leaks, what should i look for?

Original Message

Author: mnchstrcityblues79
Date: November 03, 2011 10:34PM

Re: Based on my experience, no. However, I would never drive my car if the CEL was flashing...
Yeah, the CEL is not flashing and the temp doesn't read about 180 or so. Also, Oil is within acceptable levels. I have noticed any leaks, what should i look for?