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Message: Cayman motor mount

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: November 05, 2011 11:13AM

Cayman motor mount
I don't mean to steal the thread, but Pedro you said Porsche improved the front motor mount on the Cayman. Does that included the 987 Boxsters too? Just wondering as you've said the front motor mounts go at around 40k miles. I'm now at 52k miles and don't seem to have any symptoms of the front motor mount going. Shifting is still smooth, no clunking sounds when going from acceleration to coasting down and back, no excessive vibration around 3,000 rpm. Just curious.

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: November 05, 2011 11:13AM

Cayman motor mount
I don't mean to steal the thread, but Pedro you said Porsche improved the motor mount on the Cayman. Does that included the 987 Boxsters too? Just wondering as you've said the front motor mounts go at around 40k miles. I'm now at 52k miles and don't seem to have any symptoms of the front motor mount going. Shifting is still smooth, no clunking sounds when going from acceleration to coasting down and back, no excessive vibration around 3,000 rpm. Just curious.