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Message: Re: SLK with 415 hp - competition for Boxster?

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: November 17, 2011 09:00AM

Re: SLK with 415 hp - competition for Boxster?
I agree with Boxsterra and Grant. The SLK sounds like it will be heavy and likely quick in a straight line.

The Boxster si is all about handling, balance and braking. When I get into the Boxster, I feel like I'm putting on my most comfortable shoes that allow me to walk, jog, run, twist and turn with ease and comfort. It's like an extension of me.

If someone is shopping for a car by the numbers. The Boxster is the wrong car for them. If you want an exilerating driving experience under all road conditions, specially the ones that involve twists and turns, the the Boxster is the one to get.

A couple of weeks ago, as I got out of the Boxster, a kid in his late teens came over and told me what I nice car it was. His only question was "How many horses does it have?" - I future Boxster owner? No likely.

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: November 17, 2011 08:59AM

Re: SLK with 415 hp - competition for Boxster?
I agree with Boxsterra and Grant. The SLK sounds like it will be heavy and likely quick in a straight line.

The Boxster si all about handling, balance and braking. When I get into the Boxster, I feel like I'm putting on my most comfortable shoes that allow me to walk, jog, run, twist and turn with ease and comfort. It's like an extension of me.

If someone is shopping for a car by the numbers. The Boxster is the wrong car for them. If you want an exilerating driving experience under all road conditions, specially the ones that involve twists and turns, the the Boxster is the one to get.

A couple of weeks ago, as I got out of the Boxster, a kid in his late teens came over and told me what I nice car it was. His only question was "How many horses does it have?" - I future Boxster owner? No likely.