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Message: Re: Passenger side window not descending/ascending when opening door

Changed By: MarcW
Change Date: November 17, 2011 02:25PM

Re: Passenger side window not descending/ascending when opening door
Ok guys, a little update. I have been driving the vehicle occasionally and am loving every minute of it. I have done some research on my various issues and have a few questions (updates):

1) As to the poster that asked where the vibrations were coming from, it is exclusively in the "seat of my pants" as you put it ... i.e. it seems to come from behind, any suggestions?

2) as to the CEL P0430 my research turned up an unusual solution/suggestion: the P0430 can be the result of a clogged or clogging Cat; try a gallon of lacquer thinner w/ half a tank of gasoline and drive for about 150 miles, this should clear the CEL and help clean the Cat.
Can this be true? Seems to be good to be true. Also, i hesitate to put any common chemical in my gas tank. The problem is that equal number of people seem to be pro/anti lacquer in the gas tank. Those that are pro report positive results, those that are negative never report real-world results, just "common sense"

Any thoughts?[/quote]

I haven't gone back and reread the entire thread, so this might be a repeat, but mild sorts of vibration ... wheel/tire balance has to be suspect.

If the vibration came on suddenly, it can be a lost weight. (My cars have lost a few over the years mainly from me getting too close with the wand at the DIY car wash.)

It can be a tire pressure issue. Do not ignore the possilibility what while the vibration appears to be coming from the rear of the car it may be coming from the front tires and their incorrect balance or tire pressure.

As for #2... whoever posted that a gallon of lacquer thinner in the gas tank of your car while will cure a P0430 error code doesn't know squat and is no friend of engines.
Granted I have no direct experience doing this lacquer thinner thing -- but I have no direct experience jumping off a cliff either but I know enough not to do it based on common sense -- but it makes no difference.

Based on my direct experience with this code over the past couple of years, I could when the P0430 error code appears clear it and at the same time mumble some goofy mumbo jumbo and chances are the error code would stay away. It often times stays away anyway for some time -- sometimes months during the warmer summer months -- as I have reported because I have learned what kind of driving, what brands of gasoline, allow the error code to appear more readily.

If you want to try something, some 'cleaner', in the hopes the error simply arises because the converter is clogged (it ain't but I'll let you hope) run a bottle or two of Techron through the gas tank, following directions on the bottle.

If you are not satisfied, if you want try to eliminate the clogged converter theory arrange to get the car in the air safely and have someone start the cold engine and carefully feel the exhaust pipes as the engine idles.

If a converter is indeed clogged the pipe leading to it will heat up slower and the converter will heat up slower than the other side, with the supposedly unclogged coverter.



Original Message

Author: MarcW
Date: November 17, 2011 02:19PM

Re: Passenger side window not descending/ascending when opening door
Ok guys, a little update. I have been driving the vehicle occasionally and am loving every minute of it. I have done some research on my various issues and have a few questions (updates):

1) As to the poster that asked where the vibrations were coming from, it is exclusively in the "seat of my pants" as you put it ... i.e. it seems to come from behind, any suggestions?

2) as to the CEL P0430 my research turned up an unusual solution/suggestion: the P0430 can be the result of a clogged or clogging Cat; try a gallon of lacquer thinner w/ half a tank of gasoline and drive for about 150 miles, this should clear the CEL and help clean the Cat.
Can this be true? Seems to be good to be true. Also, i hesitate to put any common chemical in my gas tank. The problem is that equal number of people seem to be pro/anti lacquer in the gas tank. Those that are pro report positive results, those that are negative never report real-world results, just "common sense"

Any thoughts?[/quote]

I haven't gone back and reread the entire thread, so this might be a repeat, but mild sorts of vibration ... wheel/tire balance has to be suspect.

If the vibration came on suddenly, it can be a lost weight. (My cars have lost a few over the years mainly from me getting too close with the wand at the DIY car wash.)

It can be a tire pressure issue. Do not ignore the possilibility what while the vibration appears to be coming from the rear of the car it may be coming from the front tires and their incorrect balance or tire pressure.

As for #2... whoever posted that a gallon of lacquer thinner in the gas tank of your car while cure a P0430 error code doesn't know squat and is no friend of engines.

If you want to try something, some 'cleaner', in the hopes the error simply arises because the converter is clogged (it ain't but I'll let you hope) run a bottle or two of Techron through the gas tank, following directions on the bottle.

If you want try to eliminate the clogged converter theory arrange to get the car in the air safely and have someone start the cold engine and carefully feel the exhaust pipes as the engine idles.

If a converter is indeed clogged the pipe leading to it will heat up slower and the converter will heat up slower than the other side, with the supposedly unclogged coverter.

