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Message: Don't ever buy a car!

Changed By: Meredith in Atlanta
Change Date: November 26, 2011 02:12AM

Don't ever buy a car!
Having reported on numerous issues in the past with Boxsters and my Cayman S, I will say, it doesn't get better with other cars. I parked my Volvo C30 at work the other day, Wednesday, and when I returned to the dcar at 3pm, found the rear drivers-side lip above the wheel/tire on the ground, along with some scratches. Obviously someone did a "park and run". On Monday I will see if they have any tapes. In the meantime, Charley did a fantastic job of blacktaping it alltogether to make it easier on the eyes.

We guess the damage to be about $1200. I didn't, and will not, report it to USAA as I am on their shlist.

This just, of course, throws me into the "why even bother having a decent car"? dilemma, but also the "I might as well be driving a Porsche" dichotomy. What I really want is peace across the world and a 993.

Is that too much to ask?

Original Message

Author: Meredith in Atlanta
Date: November 26, 2011 02:10AM

Don't ever buy a car!
Having reported on numerous issues in the past with Boxsters and my Cayman S, I will say, it doesn't get better with other cars. I parked my Volvo C30 at work the other day, Wednesday, and when I returned to the dar at 3pm, found the rear drivers-side lip above the wheel/tire on the ground, along with some scratches. Obviously someone did a "park and run". On Monday I will see if they have any tapes. In the meantime, Charley did a fantastic job of blacktaping it alltogether to make it easier on the eyes.

We guess the damage to be about $1200. I didn't, and will not, report it to USAA as I am on their shlist.

This just, of course, throws me into the "why even bother having a decent car"? dilemma, but also the "I might as well be driving a Porsche" dichotomy. What I really want is peace across the world and a 993.

Is that too much to ask?