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Message: Coincidentally, my local mechanic and I discussed aging tires and heat cycling a couple days ago..

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: December 03, 2011 09:45AM

Coincidentally, my local mechanic and I discussed aging tires and heat cycling a couple days ago..
I was complaining about the cheesy Toyo TPTs on my Honda. They've become lousy on wet pavement, including front wheel tramping under moderately hard acceleration. I'm not going to deal with it until spring, as there are four snows that'll likely be going on soon... and they're on their last legs, too, as the youngest two of them are about 5 five years old.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: December 03, 2011 09:44AM

Coincidentally, my local mechanic and I discussed aging tires and heat cycling a couple days ago..
I was complaining about the cheesy Toyo TPTs on my Honda. They've become lousy on wet pavement, including front wheel tramping under moderately hard acceleration. I'm not going to deal with it until spring, as there are four snows that'll likely be going on soon... and they're on their last legs, too, as the youngest two of them are about 5 years old.