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Message: I would hardly call these "spy" shots though

Changed By: frogster
Change Date: December 05, 2011 01:35AM

I would hardly call these "spy" shots though
it's obviously someone who was with the group for the whole trip. the driver of one of the boxsters is even posing in a pic or two. now whether or not this person had the right to post those pics is another story. but i doubt it would be difficult for porsche to figure out who took them.

[edit] after reading the article that guenter linked to, i think it's likely that those "spy" pics were shot by the writer of that article.

[2nd edit] the writer is clearly doesn't know much about porsches. a couple of mistakes in the article:
"The new Boxster, code-named 981" no, that's not a "code" name. it's a type number.
- "automatically operated cloth roof does without the twist-and-turn manual attachment of old" twist and turn? really?
Changed By: frogster
Change Date: December 05, 2011 01:26AM

I would hardly call these "spy" shots though
it's obviously someone who was with the group for the whole trip. the driver of one of the boxsters is even posing in a pic or two. now whether or not this person had the right to post those pics is another story. but i doubt it would be difficult for porsche to figure out who took them.

[edit] after reading the article that guenter linked to, i think it's likely that those "spy" pics were shot by the writer of that article.

Original Message

Author: frogster
Date: December 05, 2011 01:23AM

I would hardly call these "spy" shots though
it's obviously someone who was with the group for the whole trip. the driver of one of the boxsters is even posing in a pic or two. now whether or not this person had the right to post those pics is another story. but i doubt it would be difficult for porsche to figure out who took them.