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Message: no dilemma

Changed By: grant
Change Date: December 10, 2011 03:10PM

no dilemma
"The tire store owner is then placed into the position of having to have more knowledge than Porsche does regarding tires for Porsches."

nonsense. Porsche cannot inspect tires, and therefore, given deep pockets conservatism, picks a period sufficiently short to meet 99% of situations. The tire dealer need know very little - they have the advantage of an actual inspection of the tire.

Incidentally, did you not see the additional data i posted? The tire shop , mechanic or owner would be in good company, in the company of the Rubber manufacturers association, British Rubber Association and the US DOT all of whom either use a 10 year rule, or acknowledge that data is not sufficient to support any assertion, yet.

Of course, tire stores are likely the worst place to go for this - a good mechanic is likely to be more willing and have fewer conflicting goals.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: December 10, 2011 03:08PM

no dilemma
"The tire store owner is then placed into the position of having to have more knowledge than Porsche does regarding tires for Porsches."

nonsense. Porsche cannot inspect tires, and therefore, given deep pockets conservatism, picks a period sufficiently short to meet 99% of situations. The tire dealer need know very little - they have the advantage of an actual inspection of the tire.

Of course, tire stores are likely the worst place to go for this - a good mechanic is likely to be more willing and have fewer conflicting goals.
