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Message: Re: Al, that seems to be exactly what I'm looking for

Changed By: SPG356
Change Date: December 13, 2011 10:03PM

Re: Al, that seems to be exactly what I'm looking for

1) swapping the remote is easy, just remove the panel. If you move and need to reprogram the remote, it can actually be done right in the car if your garage door motor is compatible. If you sell the car and want to remove the switch and remote, just do so and replace the switch with a dummy switch.

1) Swapping the remote is easy, just remove the panel. If you move and need to reprogram the remote, it can actually be done right in the car if your garage door motor is compatible. If you sell the car and want to remove the switch and remote, just do so and replace the switch with a dummy switch.

2) The switch does in fact work on a two button remote and open both doors; that is how I have mine set up.



Original Message

Author: SPG356
Date: December 13, 2011 10:02PM

Re: Al, that seems to be exactly what I'm looking for

1) swapping the remote is easy, just remove the panel. If you move and need to reprogram the remote, it can actually be done right in the car if your garage door motor is compatible. If you sell the car and want to remove the switch and remote, just do so and replace the switch with a dummy switch.

2) The switch does in fact work on a two button remote and open both doors; that is how I have mine set up.

