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Message: PCA E-Brake email humor

Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: December 13, 2011 10:37PM

PCA E-Brake email humor
In the latest email issue of E-brake news that PCA sends out , there is an article which call the Porsche 911 the "most trouble free car of this century", based on the finds ings of some German agency.

A few paragraphs below the article, there was an advertisement for the LN Engineering IMS retro fit and one for the IMS Guardian--the juxtaposition of the article and the advertisements made me laugh.

I guess it could have been worse--the advertisements could have been directly under the article on the 911 reliability..:)

Original Message

Author: MikenOH
Date: December 13, 2011 10:36PM

PCA E-Brake email humor
In the latest email issue of E-brake news that PCA sends out , there is an article which call the Porsche 911 the "most trouble free car of this century", based on the finds of some German agency.

A few paragraphs below the article, there was an advertisement for the LN Engineering IMS retro fit and one for the IMS Guardian--the juxtaposition of the article and the advertisements made me laugh.

I guess it could have been worse--the advertisements could have been directly under the article on the 911 reliability..:)