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Message: Re: So during Christmas....

Changed By: SPG356
Change Date: December 28, 2011 10:56PM

Re: So during Christmas....
[quote=dghii]I finally got a chance to drive a used one while working in Charleston, SC and was immediately hooked as the car felt and sounded like a real sports car. The one I bought was bullet proof in the five years I owned it and was just as much fun when I sold it as it had been when I bought it.[/quote]

I totally agree, if there were no such thing as a bBoxster I would have another Miata, the second most pure sports car on the market today!


Changed By: SPG356
Change Date: December 28, 2011 10:56PM

Re: So during Christmas....
[quote=dghii]I finally got a chance to drive a used one while working in Charleston, SC and was immediately hooked as the car felt and sounded like a real sports car. The one I bought was bullet proof in the five years I owned it and was just as much fun when I sold it as it had been when I bought it.[/quote]

I totally agree, if there were no such thing asa as a boxster I would have another Miata, the second most pure sports car on the market today!



Original Message

Author: SPG356
Date: December 28, 2011 10:55PM

Re: So during Christmas....
[quote=dghii]I finally got a chance to drive a used one while working in Charleston, SC and was immediately hooked as the car felt and sounded like a real sports car. The one I bought was bullet proof in the five years I owned it and was just as much fun when I sold it as it had been when I bought it.[/quote]

I totally agree, if there were no such thing asa boxster I would have another Miata, the second most pure sports car on the market today!

