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Message: It's a bit closer to where your right hand drops off the steering wheel.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: January 07, 2012 10:57AM

It's a bit closer to where your right hand drops off the steering wheel.
Alfa Romeos, at least the older ones, have their stick shift fairly high up. This was due to the stick being directly connected to the gearbox without an intervening linkage, and the gearbox being fairly forward. With the classic Italian arms-stretched-forward driving position*, it was a short distance from the 2 or 3 o'clock hand position to the shift knob. It felt good, but to this day I don't know if the factory ever resolved the fragile 2nd gear synchro problem. Here's a link that shows the interior of a Spider:


*Short legs help, too. I still often drive with my right heel dragging on the carpet, but don't wreck the finish on my right shoes as quickly.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: January 07, 2012 10:55AM

It's a bit closer to where your right hand drops off the steering wheel.
Alfa Romeos, at least the older ones, have their stick shift fairly high up. This was due to the stick being directly connected to the gearbox without an intervening linkage, and the gearbox being fairly forward. With the classic Italian arms-stretched-forward driving position*, it was a short distance from the 2 or 3 o'clock hand position to the shift knob. It felt good, but to this day I don't know if the factory ever resolved the fragile 2nd gear synchro problem. Here's a link that shows the interior of a Spider:


*Short legs help, too. I still often drive with my right heel dragging on the carpet, but don't wreck the finish my shoes as quickly.