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Message: Concerns about Cayman S 2012 availability

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: January 09, 2012 10:11AM

Concerns about Cayman S 2012 availability
I've been long aspiring to get a 987 Cayman S. There are many anecdotes out there concerning dealer allocations, inventory, or and custom orders, this last being my intention. As we know there's the added complication of Porsche's factory deals fallen through, the VW buyout, Japanese manufacturing delays, and the big switchover to 981 production. It's been difficult to glean out useful, factual information. I would possibly get authoritative information from the dealer, but worry that it would at best be nuanced toward getting me into the showroom to put money down before I'm ready, which won't be for about a month.

So, have any of you had communication with dealers as to ordering availability?

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: January 09, 2012 10:09AM

Concerns about Cayman S 2012 availability
I've been long aspiring to get a 987 Cayman S. There are many anecdotes out there concerning dealer allocations, inventory, or and custom orders, this last being my intention. As we know there's the added complication of Porsche's factory deals fallen through, the VW buyout, Japanese manufacturing delays, and the big switchover to 981 production. It's been difficult to glean out useful, factual information. I would possibly get authoritative information from the dealer, but worry that it would at best be nuanced toward getting me into the showroom to put money down before I'm ready, which won't be for about a month.