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Message: I agree, Guenter, although they do get you on packages and required options the first few years.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: January 13, 2012 10:16PM

I agree, Guenter, although they do get you on packages and required options the first few years.
I want LSD. Now it's part of PTV. I'll bet it's a great system, but still... And of course you have to get PASM to get PTV, which really doesn't seem to be absolutely necessary as a systemic requirement. (Ok, maybe optimal shock tuning- = optimal tire contact = reduced wheelspin.)

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: January 13, 2012 10:14PM

I agree, Guenter, although they do get you on packages and required options the first few years.
I want LSD. Now it's part of PTV. I'll bet it's a great system, but still... And of course you have to get PASM to get PTV, which really doesn't seem to be absolutely necessary as a systemic requirement. (Ok, maybe optimal shock tuning-optimal tire contact = reduced wheelspin.)