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Message: What is commonly called an "emergency brake" is really a "parking brake."

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: January 14, 2012 01:06PM

What is commonly called an "emergency brake" is really a "parking brake."
With redundant brake circuits, modern materials, and proper fluid changes, maintenance, hydraulic brake failure has to be about as rare as a left-handed smoke shifter. Stability controls aside, yanking on the hand brake could lead to a bootleg turn.

Start Stop seems Stupid. Given that, the system will run AC, etc., unless there's an electrical state of charge or temperature issue. There's something about this on the Microsite.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: January 14, 2012 01:04PM

What is commonly called an "emergency brake" is really a "parking brake."
With redundant brake circuits, modern materials, and proper fluid changes, hydraulic brake failure has to be about as rare as a left-handed smoke shifter. Stability controls aside, yanking on the hand brake could lead to a bootleg turn.

Start Stop seems sStupid. Given that, the system will run AC, etc., unless there's an electrical state of charge or temperature issue. SThere's something about this in on the Microsite.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: January 14, 2012 12:59PM

What is commonly called an "emergency brake" is really a "parking brake."
With redundant brake circuits, modern materials, and proper fluid changes, hydraulic brake failure has to be about as rare as a left-handed smoke shifter. Stability controls aside, yanking on the hand brake could lead to a bootleg turn.

Start Stop seems stupid. Given that, the system will run AC, etc., unless there's an electrical state of charge or temperature issue. Something about this in the Microsite.