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Message: Re: That I don't know. Goin' out for a few hours. Hope others chime in here.

Changed By: mnchstrcityblues79
Change Date: January 15, 2012 07:29PM

Re: That I don't know. Goin' out for a few hours. Hope others chime in here.
[quote="Guenter in Ontario"]
I'm not an expert in this area, but it seems that you've made no other changes. I'm wondering if it's the switch that is going as Laz suggested earlier.

Have you noticed any other electronic gremlins - things not working as they should even if they seem unrelated, like the key a bit difficult to turn or difficult to pull out, door or doors not locking properly? If so, it could be the electronic part of the ignition switch.

But, from what you've described so far, my bet is on the light switch.[/quote]

GuGuenter, thank you and, to answer your question, no, nothing that I can think of. My passenger-side window does not descend when opening from the outside or inside door handle, but I believe that is lock-mechanism (or at least I hope so, I just spent $100 on a used mechanism I intend to install this week lol).

I hope it isn't the ignition switch. While it is a relatively inexpensive part, it is hell to do switch-out (that was my first fix on my old 99 Boxster).

Original Message

Author: mnchstrcityblues79
Date: January 15, 2012 07:29PM

Re: That I don't know. Goin' out for a few hours. Hope others chime in here.
[quote="Guenter in Ontario"]
I'm not an expert in this area, but it seems that you've made no other changes. I'm wondering if it's the switch that is going as Laz suggested earlier.

Have you noticed any other electronic gremlins - things not working as they should even if they seem unrelated, like the key a bit difficult to turn or difficult to pull out, door or doors not locking properly? If so, it could be the electronic part of the ignition switch.

But, from what you've described so far, my bet is on the light switch.[/quote]

Gunter, thank you and, to answer your question, no, nothing that I can think of. My passenger-side window does not descend when opening from the outside or inside door handle, but I believe that is lock-mechanism (or at least I hope so, I just spent $100 on a used mechanism I intend to install this week lol).

I hope it isn't the ignition switch. While it is a relatively inexpensive part, it is hell to do switch-out (that was my first fix on my old 99 Boxster).