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Message: Re: Kimo, I noticed two things that you need to address...

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: January 17, 2012 10:31AM

Re: Kimo, I noticed two things that you need to address...
I don't know what these particular connections look like, but you don't want to have any clamps sitting on top of a flare that is near the edge of metal or plastic tubes or pipes. I couldn't find an image of what I mean, but the flare looks like a bulging ring very close to (think of a gold wedding band) right at the end of a tube. Clamps should be positioned immediately past the flare, on the side away from the end.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: January 17, 2012 10:07AM

Re: Kimo, I noticed two things that you need to address...
I don't know what these particular connections look like, but you don't want to have any clamps sitting on top of a flare that is near the edge of metal or plastic tubes or pipes. I couldn't find an image of what I mean, but the flare looks like a bulging ring very close to the end of a tube. Clamps should be positioned immediately past the flare, on the side away from the end.