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Message: The difference between the 3.4 Boxster and the Cayman S (or Carrera) engine is intriguing.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: January 23, 2012 12:29PM

The difference between the 3.4 Boxster and the Cayman S (or Carrera) engine is intriguing.
Meaning, e.g., the differences in maximum horsepower at the given rpms between the new Boxster S and the just-out-of-production Cayman S. The Boxster engine seems at first to be detuned, but the acceleration times and top speeds are somewhat similar. I'd like to see the gear ratios.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: January 23, 2012 12:24PM

The difference between the 3.4 Boxster and the Cayman S (or Carrera) engine is intriguing.
Meaning, e.g., the differences in maximum horsepower at the given rpms between the new Boxster S and the just-out-of-production Cayman S. The Boxster engine seems at first to be detuned, but the acceleration times and top speeds are somewhat similar. I'd like to see the gear ratios.