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Message: Re: Regular oil (and filter) changes are paramount to engine longevity.

Changed By: CarreraLicious
Change Date: January 30, 2012 03:50PM

Re: Regular oil (and filter) changes are paramount to engine longevity.
I coulda sworn I saw Chris in NH (he had well over 150k miles on his Boxster I think), say that he only changed his oil at the 15k mile intervals. I also think Marc said that for much of his miles driven, he also went with the factory recommendations until recently when he started changing the oil more often (he can verify whether I remembered correctly or not). Honestly, I don't think the interval matters as much as if you're just unlucky enough to have bought one that will have the IMS fail regardless of the oil change interval you choose to adhere to. I change mine at the factory recommended 12-15k interval, and have not had a problem. Some people have had theirs fail even though they religiously changed their oil at low intervals. That's why I don't subscribe to any of this. If it's gonna go, then it's just my bad luck, but I ain't gonna install an engine failure warning light. I'm gonna live on the edge and just enjoy the heck outta my car. ;)

Btw, Good for you Marc!

Original Message

Author: CarreraLicious
Date: January 30, 2012 03:48PM

Re: Regular oil (and filter) changes are paramount to engine longevity.
I coulda sworn I saw Chris in NH (he had well over 150k miles on his Boxster I think), say that he only changed his oil at the 15k mile intervals. I also think Marc said that for much of his miles driven, he also went with the factory recommendations until recently when he started changing the oil more often (he can verify whether I remembered correctly or not). Honestly, I don't think the interval matters as much as if you're just unlucky enough to have bought one that will have the IMS fail regardless of the oil change interval you choose to adhere to. I change mine at he factory recommended 12-15k interval, and have not had a problem. Some people have had theirs fail even though they religiously changed their oil at low intervals. That's why I don't subscribe to any of this. If it's gonna go, then it's just my bad luck, but I ain't gonna install an engine failure warning light. I'm gonna live on the edge and just enjoy the heck outta my car. ;)

Btw, Good for you Marc!