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Message: Re: Yes, more like ticking then clicking

Changed By: jwdbox
Change Date: February 08, 2012 01:03PM

Re: Yes, more like ticking then clicking
I listened to SilverBox this morning for the ticking. At least in SilverBox it has nothing to do with the PSE. The ticking was identical with the PSE on or off, and did not alter when manually switching the PSE on or off. It (the frequency of the ticks) is definitely rpm dependent, with a direct correlation to engine rpm, slow when rpm is at lowest idel, idle, increasing as rpms increase. In all cases it is so faint that I only can detect it with the top up and windows closed. Once the top is down other noises and/or PSE 'music' mask it entirely. Also once the engine is comfortably warmed up even with the top up, the ticking is greatly diminished in volumn. IMHO it is not an issue and very typical for the engine and it's placement. B)

Original Message

Author: jwdbox
Date: February 08, 2012 01:01PM

Re: Yes, more like ticking then clicking
I listened to SilverBox this morning for the ticking. At least in SilverBox it has nothing to do with the PSE. The ticking was identical with the PSE on or off, and did not alter when manually switching the PSE on or off. It (the frequency of the ticks) is definitely rpm dependent, with a direct correlation to engine rpm, slow when rpm is at lowest idel, increasing as rpms increase. In all cases it is so faint that I only can detect it with the top up and windows closed. Once the top is down other noises and/or PSE 'music' mask it entirely. Also once the engine is comfortably warmed up even with the top up, the ticking is greatly diminished in volumn. IMHO it is not an issue and very typical for the engine and it's placement. B)