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Message: Fuel leaks are rather rare. There is a considerable liability issue and we know from the past...

Changed By: MarcW
Change Date: December 15, 2010 03:24PM

Fuel leaks are rather rare. There is a considerable liability issue and we know from the past...
if an automaker's vehicles get a rep for auto-igniting (no pun) and turning a perfectly fine vehicle into a sheet metal flambé that's a pretty bad rep to overcome.

So thankfully fuel leaks are rare. But fuel systems and their components of course age and a fuel leak as a car gets older becomes more likely.

I was taught that at least with modern cars with the engine off should one *NOT* smell gasoline and with the engine on or off one should not smell anti-freeze.

(Dropped the Turbo off at the local Porsche dealer this AM for an oil/filter change. Walked by it and smelled coolant. Checked the car's coolant level and sniffed around and couldn't smell any anti-freeze from any of the possible sources. But there was a Cayman parked behind my car.

I went inside the dealer and spoke with the service manager about the coolant smell and he told me the Cayman was in for a water pump. He said he too smelled the antifreeze smell from the Cayman.)



Original Message

Author: MarcW
Date: December 15, 2010 03:23PM

Fuel leaks are rather rare. There is a considerable liability issue and we know from the past...
if an automaker's vehicles get a rep for auto-igniting (no pun) and turning a perfectly fine vehicle into a sheet metal flambé that's a pretty bad rep to overcome.

So thankfully fuel leaks are rare. But fuel systems and their components of course age and a fuel leak as a car gets older becomes more likely.

I was taught that at least with modern cars with the engine off should one smell gasoline and on or off one should not smell anti-freeze.

(Dropped the Turbo off at the local Porsche dealer this AM for an oil/filter change. Walked by it and smelled coolant. Checked the car's coolant level and sniffed around and couldn't smell any anti-freeze from any of the possible sources. But there was a Cayman parked behind my car.

I went inside the dealer and spoke with the service manager about the coolant smell and he told me the Cayman was in for a water pump. He said he too smelled the antifreeze smell from the Cayman.)

