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Message: Re: Nice gauge setup

Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: February 14, 2012 01:34PM

Re: Nice gauge setup
Makes sense; I know a lot of guys spend time right after their runs going through the data to check their split times and the like, but you are right, if the video has enough resolution, you can see where the gauge is at what point ing without wading through computer screens.

Do you use a laptimer or rely on the camera for that also?

I'm thinking about trying race chrono this year and pulling in some OBD info --water temp/revs/brakes/throttle--and superimpose that on a video. People say its not too difficult but the manual doesn't show much detail.

Original Message

Author: MikenOH
Date: February 14, 2012 01:27PM

Re: Nice gauge setup
Makes sense; I know a lot of guys spend time right after their runs going through the data to check their split times and the like, but you are right, if the video has enough resolution, you can see where the gauge is at what point without wading through computer screens.

Do you use a laptimer or rely on the camera for that also?

I'm thinking about trying race chrono this year and pulling in some OBD info --water temp/revs/brakes/throttle--and superimpose that on a video. People say its not too difficult but the manual doesn't show much detail.