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Message: I think they are perfectly centered

Changed By: Boxsterra
Change Date: February 15, 2012 11:06PM

I think they are perfectly centered
When you put it in, you use the old hole as a guide as you drill it out and rethread it with a bigger diameter. Then the helicoil goes in and brings it back down to the original diameter. To get it to be off-center you would have to somehow drill off-center and that would be really difficult. The drill naturally goes where there is the least resistance, right down the dead center.

I'd have to see the application to be absolutely sure but in most cases, I think the fix is sound.

If it was a ukulele bolt, you would have a cause for concern.

Original Message

Author: Boxsterra
Date: February 15, 2012 11:03PM

I think they are perfectly centered
When you put it in, you use the old hole as a guide as you drill it out and rethread it with a bigger diameter. Then the helicoil goes in and brings it back down to the original diameter. To get it to be off-center you would have to somehow drill off-center and that would be really difficult. The drill naturally goes where there is the least resistance, right down the dead center.

I'd have to see the application to be absolutely sure but in most cases, I think the fix is sound.