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Message: I'm trying to watch this thing: were the producer and film editor on cocaine?

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: February 17, 2012 12:34AM

I'm trying to watch this thing: were the producer and film editor on cocaine?
Rapid fire film cuts, cars screeching and zooming across the screen left and right. Shaky camera interviews. Shots of the bottoms of somebody's feet walking down a stairway. I feel like I'm a subject in a Psych 101 clinical test for concentration under duress. What the hell is the announcer saying? Ok, it's coming off its high... for now.
----- Whew, it's over. A real Bizarro World Bauhaus triumph of dysfunctional form over substance.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: February 17, 2012 12:15AM

I'm trying to watch this thing: were the producer and film editor on cocaine?
Rapid fire film cuts, cars screeching and zooming across the screen left and right. Shaky camera interviews. Shots of the bottoms of somebody's feet walking down a stairway. I feel like I'm a subject in a Psych 101 clinical test for concentration under duress. What the hell is the announcer saying? Ok, it's coming off its high... for now.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: February 17, 2012 12:12AM

I'm trying to watch this thing: were the producer and film editor on cocaine?
Rapid fire film cuts, cars screeching and zooming across the screen left and right. I feel like I'm a subject in a Psych 101 clinical test for concentration under duress. What the hell is the announcer saying? Ok, it's coming off its high... for now.