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Message: Re: Cement on my Boxster

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: February 18, 2012 12:41PM

Re: Cement on my Boxster::o I thought only 911 drivers did this ;)
I went through some unavoidable not-quite-dry cement on a highway in West Virginia once. They have very heavy highway coverage, but I guess the revenue goes to admitedly great road quality. I found an off-highway service station that let me use a hose to clean the car, including the underside, and they refused to be compensated for the courtesy. One telling thing: they asked about the car and I said it's from Germany (I didn't want to complicate matters by saying Finland) and one of the guys said, "That's in Europe, right?" !

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: February 18, 2012 12:41PM

Re: Cement on my Boxster::o I thought only 911 drivers did this ;)
I went through some unavoidable not-quite-dry cement on a highway in West Virginia once. They have very heavy highway coverage, but I guess the revenue goes to admitedly great road quality. I found an off-highway service station that let me use a hose to clean the car, including the underside, and they refused to be compensated for the courtesy. One telling thing: they asked about the car and I said it's from Germany (I didn't want to complicate matters by saying Finland) and one of the guys said, "That's in Europe, right?" !